Floral Transportation

Transportation in the form of trucking costs, 空运和送货上门是花卉行业最大的单项成本. 这就是为什么澳门十大正规网赌网址积极的运费折扣对其会员如此有价值. 澳门十大正规网赌网址利用其作为行业协会的权力,与顶级运输公司谈判折扣运费, such as FedEx, GLS and OnTrac as well as a number of major airlines.

Director of Transportation

澳门十大正规网赌网址是花卉行业中唯一一个雇佣全职运输主管的行业协会, Chris Johnson. 当谈到运送鲜花时,克里斯了解大局和小细节. 他知道处理不当会导致茎断或花碎, and that a late delivery can mean a lost sale. In his role as Director of Transportation, Chris为十大正规网赌网址的会员提供实用的建议和航运提醒. 他定期与澳门十大正规网赌网址的专业服务代表交流 FedEx, GLS and OnTrac. 他是澳门十大正规网赌网址会员和参与运营商之间的联络人. Chris还向澳门十大正规网赌网址会员提供最新的航空公司信息和价格. 他还负责保持flower会员和作为十大正规网赌网址的准服务会员的货运公司之间的沟通畅通.

Discount Shipping

澳门十大正规网赌网址的折扣对所有符合资格的会员一视同仁. 每个月运送几盒鲜花的小生产商与大型分销商或批发商获得同样的利益. 有一点需要重申:澳门十大正规网赌网址的运输折扣没有年度最低数量要求. If you are a Floral Member, an Ag-Buddy, 或批发或零售合作伙伴,您有资格通过以下运输计划获得可观的节省.

FedEx® Discount Shipping

澳门十大正规网赌网址与联邦快递的合同协议旨在满足花卉行业的特殊需求. The real beauty of 澳门十大正规网赌网址FedEx program is its simplicity. 合格的澳门十大正规网赌网址会员可以获得由 FedEx at significantly discounted prices, with FedEx Express® discounts on FedEx Priority Overnight® and FedEx Standard Overnight®. 澳门十大正规网赌网址' unique FedEx 该计划允许花卉种植者和托运人在全国市场上有效竞争. In fact, the vast majority of California flowers shipped via FedEx travel one-day air to destinations nationwide.  

Key Benefits of 澳门十大正规网赌网址' FedEx Program

  • 澳门十大正规网赌网址的独家联邦快递计划提供广泛的联邦快递服务® services with excellent discounts on FedEx Priority Overnight® and FedEx Standard Overnight® rates.
  • 托运人折扣适用于入境,出境和第三方运输. Discounted residential delivery is also included.
  • 会员享有特殊的季节性福利,如周六取件和送货附加费折扣.
  • 澳门十大正规网赌网址的联邦快递项目包括优惠的进出口税率.
  • Members also have access to exclusive discounts on FedEx SameDay®.
  • FedEx Ground® service is also available at a discount, depending on weight.
  • 通过特别协商的DIM因子,澳门十大正规网赌网址会员可以更接近货物的实际重量来定价, further reducing costs on FedEx Express.
  • Specialized billing is direct from FedEx and simple to understand.
  • 澳门十大正规网赌网址会员可以通过联邦快递的专业支持/服务代表获得专业的个性化服务.
  • 十大正规网赌网址的计划提供各种其他附加费和费用的大幅折扣,帮助保持低成本和负担得起的.

General Logistics Systems

2016年9月,澳门十大正规网赌网址引入了通用物流系统(General Logistics Systems, GLS)的隔夜门到门服务。. This exciting exclusive shipping option from GLS is available to 澳门十大正规网赌网址 Floral and Ag members within the GLS delivery service area.  GLS 在业内是否以一贯的、准时的、超常的价格交货而闻名. This shipping option is a fast, 地面隔夜门到门服务,可以在您所在的位置取件,并在第二天上午10:30之前送到您的客户家门口.  GLS 服务于十大正规网赌网址的每一个邮政编码,并在内华达州的许多地区提供隔夜服务, Arizona and New Mexico.  没有最低要求,也很少产生额外的收费或费用.  Prices are excellent and are lower than the competition.  GLS's  entire network is made up of its employees, which assures continuity, 一致性和额外的护理和处理,十大正规网赌网址的花卉产品需要. 

Key Benefits of 澳门十大正规网赌网址 GLS Program

  • Discounts of more than 70% off standard shipping rates.
  • GLS will invoice 澳门十大正规网赌网址 members directly.
  • GLS提供隔夜送货服务,覆盖十大正规网赌网址的每一个邮政编码. 
  • GLS provides parcel and freight services throughout the Western U.S. and will expand services to include Colorado in 2021.
  • Pickup Days: Monday through Friday 
  • Delivery Days: Monday through Saturday 
  • Saturday service is available to all ZIP codes in our service area.  可能会产生额外费用,投递时间因邮政编码而异.
  • Contact Chris Johnson for the full list of benefits.

OnTrac Discount Shipping

OnTrac为美国西部的关键地区提供了一个高效的夜间地面网络.S., including California, and major areas of Nevada, Arizona, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Utah and Colorado. 澳门十大正规网赌网址与OnTrac的独家送货计划使门到门的提货和送货价格实惠. 合格的澳门十大正规网赌网址会员可享受超过标准价格70%的折扣. 澳门十大正规网赌网址与OnTrac的长期合作关系提供了几个独特的优势. But most importantly, as a regional shipper, OnTrac可以在当天晚些时候提货,仍然保证上午10:30, next-day delivery throughout California. OnTrac还拥有适当处理易腐花卉和农产品的知识和经验.

Key Benefits of 澳门十大正规网赌网址' OnTrac Program

  • Discounts of more than 70% off the standard shipping rates.
  • 十大正规网赌网址境内(以及内华达州和亚利桑那州关键地区)隔夜送货上门, guaranteed by 10:30 am next business day.
  • Door-to-door, 两天服务到OnTrac网络内的任何地点(内华达州), Arizona, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Utah and Colorado).
  • Shipping days are Monday through Friday. Saturday delivery is available for an additional fee.
  • No minimum volume requirements.
  • No fuel surcharge.
  • 协商DIM(尺寸重量)因素是优化,以减少十大正规网赌网址的成本.
  • Deliveries can be made to commercial or residential addresses.
  • All shipments are billed directly by OnTrac.
  • OnTrac提供广泛的免费运输系统,从软件到专用的现场工作站解决方案.

澳门十大正规网赌网址 Exclusive Air Rates

澳门十大正规网赌网址努力为十大正规网赌网址的会员提供最低的机票价格. 十大正规网赌网址与各大航空公司签订的合同提供了超值的价格. 请注意,十大正规网赌网址费率正在不断更新. 澳门十大正规网赌网址在本网站的会员专区提供价格信息.  最新的信息可以通过联系澳门十大正规网赌网址的运输主管, Chris Johnson at (760) 533-5580.


  • Air Canada Cargo
  • Alaska Airlines Cargo
  • American Airlines Cargo
  • Delta Airlines Cargo
  • Hawaiian Air Cargo
  • Southwest Airlines Cargo
  • Westjet Cargo